
Viewing 1 - 16 out of 22 posts


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At what age should your pet receive its teeth cleaning?

Dental disease is a common issue that can impact pets of all ages. It is a common misconception that dental problems only occur in older pets. The truth is, dental Read More

How to Prepare For Traveling With Your Pet

What to Do Before Traveling with Your Pet Going on a vacation with your furry friend can be a fun and exciting time for you and your pet. However, you must Read More

Pet Anesthesia

Pet Anesthesia Pet anesthesia is a controlled state of unconsciousness used during veterinary procedures. It allows pets to undergo surgery or other painful procedures without feeling pain and without moving. This Read More

Common Dental Problems For Pets

Common Dental Problems for Pets Your pet’s dental health is vital to its overall health and well-being. Poor pet dental health can result in pain and discomfort or even significant health Read More

The Importance of Pet Dental Care

The Importance of Pet Dental Care Pets should have their teeth cleaned and oral health monitored. Their dental care is just as valuable to their health as dental care is for Read More

Assessing Your Pet’s Diet: What You Need to Know

Assessing Your Pet's Diet: What You Need to Know Pet owners want nothing but the best for their furry companions, but many people don’t understand just how important proper pet nutrition Read More

Common and Uncommon Preventative Pet Care

From time to time, it can be a good idea get preventative care to stay healthy. The same thing is true for your pets. Preventative pet care is routine and Read More

Flea & Tick Prevention

Fleas and ticks can not only cause your pet to be uncomfortable, but they can also transmit dangerous diseases to your pet. These diseases can cause many health complications for Read More

Lyme Disease Vaccination

Preventative care plays a huge role in pet care. At Georgetown Animal Hospital, serving Georgetown, OH, we can help you better understand the many different types of preventative care that Read More

Preventative Practices (Routine Pet Check-ups)

Preventative care is the best way to ensure your pet has a long and healthy life. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to stay up to date on Read More

Basic Care for Your Pets

Your pets must rely on you for everything. For their food, water, shelter, and their basic pet care. As good pet parents, you make sure all their needs are met. At Read More

Benefits of Laser Therapy for Pets

For Georgetown OH animal owners, particularly those with geriatric pets, speaking with a veterinarian about the benefits of pet laser therapy for your furry family member might prove the ideal Read More

Pet Allergies During the Fall Season

Does your pet have seasonal allergies? Fall is a time when many pets manifest allergy symptoms like runny eyes or skin irritation. If your pet is exhibiting allergy symptoms, see Read More

Protecting Your Pet With Preventative Care

Owning a pet is one of the most profound experiences you will have. With the right care, cats and dogs can live up to 20 years. Make sure you spend Read More

Heartworm Prevention

Georgetown Animal Hospital in Georgetown, OH is your best destination for pet care. We offer a wide range of veterinarian services, from treatment to vaccinations for pets. We have the Read More

Pet Vaccinations for Preventative Care

We at Georgetown Animal Hospital are proud to provide a myriad of general pet health and wellness services, including preventative pet care. Preventative pet care is an essential component of Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 22 posts


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